We are about to have a group meeting and I must say that today could not have been more interesting. The two documentaries we watched were two of the most moving films I have ever seen. I really had no idea how corrupt the government of Mexico was and just how terrible the conditions of the poverty are for the campesinos.

It was especially moving to me in the sense that I personally felt a change inside and I felt a pull to examine my life and see if there are any possible ways I can change my lifestyle in an effort to aid the farmers and poor community. I also made mental notes to conduct research to better understand both NAFTA and the WTO.

To be completely honest, I had no idea that they were having such detrimental effects on the campesinos. I really appreciate all that I have been given, but it has opened my eyes in the sense that I now feel spoiled and greedy in what I have been blessed with.

Thinking about the things I have enjoyed so far in Mexico City, I really like to people-watch. I love observing people and the way they act and interact. I specifically remember on the Metro a young mother walked in with a stroller which held her infant son. I asked her how old he was and she told me about a year and a half. She then proceeded to do her make up and get ready for whatever. All the while her baby boy was looking at me, quite intently.

Then, as if he were much older, he gave me the widest, most sincere smile I have ever seen such a small child produce. It was at that exact moment that I knew I was in Mexico for a good reason and I was going to have a great time and learn so much about the little boy’s culture.

So far, his smile has not failed me.

– Danielle Bauer ‘11